Monday, September 30, 2019

The key problem with its impact is that it is not timely

Mark Magnier’s article about the â€Å"crisis of trust† in China could have a more powerful impact.The key problem with its impact is that it is not timely – we have been dealing with fake, harmful Chinese products here in America for years, and we naturally expect that without the consumer protection laws that about here at home, consumers in China would be subject to even more terrible scams.  This should be viewed as an atrocity of the free market, one which America tamed long ago through consumer movements after we had learned our lesson during the unrestrained capitalism of the early 20th century.But the article lacks passion.   Although it is journalistically correct to end sentences in periods, this doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have the impact of exclamation points.   Take, for example, the following sentence: â€Å"[l]and that farmers have tilled for generations can be seized on a moment’s notice in a system that doesn†™t recognize private property.†It bumbles awkwardly through a critical point and is stymied by a few too many prepositional phrases.   It leaves the reader unenraged about the fact that what our Founders considered a pillar of society – Property, next in line only to Life and Liberty – is totally absent from the world’s most populous country.The author of the article is unable to bring the points home.   The baby formula example could easily be reinforced by the image of a sickly Gerber baby, or the reminder that it is a product we have taken for granted for decades.   In an article like this one, connecting prominent American brands to the scandals taking place abroad – placing the reader in the shoes of the foreigner – would have left a much more lasting impression than the distant, dispassionate analysis offered here.And let’s not start on the hackneyed, irrelevant clichà © that the author leads with.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Madame Bovary

Women’s Rights Come To a Halt: Madame Bovary As soon as Eve was created from the rib of Adam, women have been struggling to achieve the same rights as men. As time has gone on, women have been able to make great strides in the way they are compared to men, in particular the Industrial Revolution and realism period lead to great equality strides for women. As the Industrial Revolution, and realism began to emerge in the 19th century, women were starting to develop their own ideas and opinions on how to behave.In Flaubert’s novel, Madame Bovary, he warned women that if you step outside of your gender roles, only bad things are bound to happen, thus working to stop women’s rights. Throughout the novel, gender roles are clearly set for both men, and women. Men are seen as more capable, worthy, and just overall better humans compared to women. Women have little to no say in how their lives are ran, which is clearly shown when Emma’s father decides that â€Å"à ¢â‚¬â„¢If [Charles] asks for her,’ he said to himself, ‘I’ll give her to [Charles]. † (16) Emma’s father is the one who gets to choose his daughter’s fate, rather than her. Even when wedding arrangements are being made Emma has no say in the matter because â€Å"Emma would, on the contrary, have preferred to have a midnight wedding with torches, but old Rouault could not understand such an idea. †(17) Women are depicted as being incapable of making life choices, so they need to be behind a man who is able to be their voice and make decisions for them. Women have also been put into the position of being a housewife.The role of a woman is to care for her home, husband, and children. When Emma wants to step out of her gender role, she then asks â€Å"’Have I not my house to look after, my husband to attend to, a thousand things, in fact, many duties that must be considered first? ’† (74) That then brings it to her atte ntion that she must stick to the way society is structured for women. When Madame Bovary decides to follow her gender role she does so by â€Å"[taking] interest in the housework, [going] to church regularly, and [looking] after her servant with more severity. (75) Even the way to dress, and how a homemaker represented herself was determined by society as â€Å"’a good housewife does not trouble about her appearance. ’† (75) Emma fulfills her role as a woman by imitating the ideal housewife, which is to be religious, and to care about everyone other than herself. There is nothing more imperative than to please your husband, if you wish to play your role in society, in which Emma did so by making sure that â€Å"when Charles came home he found his slippers put to warm near the fire.His waistcoat now never wanted lining, not his shirt buttons, and it was write a pleasure to see in the cupboard the nightcaps arranged in piles of the same height. † (75) It w as seen that a woman was put on this Earth to please her husband, and children and by not doing so was simply unacceptable. Children are also a big part of a woman’s life, because children can only be produced by a women, and it is their duty to care, and love them.As Emma was trying to convey the perfect woman â€Å"she declared she adored children; this was her consolation, her joy, her passion, and she accompanied her caresses with lyrical outburst which would have reminded any one but the Yonville people of Sachette in ‘Notre Dame de Paris’† (75) When Madame Bovary would fulfill her duties as a wife, â€Å"the housewives [would admire] her economy, the patients her politeness, the poor her charity. †(76) Proving that when you behave, as how you should you will be recognized as a good person.The way to behave as a woman is clearly defined, and it is stressed how important it is to do what you are told. As the role of a woman became very evident i n the time of realism, it was crucial to not stray away from the guidelines put in place by society. Emma Bovary had little regard for how to behave, and it was evident in the way she conducted her personal life. Madame Bovary cheated on her husband with two different men, and virtually hated Charles. She also takes it upon herself to handle the family finances, which would normally be a man’s job.Emma throws herself into a secret relationship with Leon, and after only knowing him for a short amount of time â€Å"she was in love with Leon, and sought solitude that she might with the more ease delight in his image. †(76) Just by falling in love with another man, sets Emma Bovary apart from her social class. Not only does Emma fall in love with Leon, but also in the later part of their relationship she deceives Charles and makes it possible to sneak away from her home to go to be with Leon.Emma complains about losing her talent on the piano so Charles tells her ‘If you liked,’ he said, ‘A lesson from time to time, that wouldn’t after all be very ruinous. ’ ‘But lessons,’ she replied, ‘are only of use when followed up. ’ And thus it was she set about obtaining her husband’s permission to go to town once a week to see her lover. At the end of a month she was even considered to have made considerable progress. (184) Emma has no regard for how husband may have felt about Emma’s second life, and to even have a life outside of your home life is completely stepping outside of your gender role.Madame Bovary also has another affair with a man named Rodolphe. This affair was purely superficial as far as Rodolphe was concerned, but to Emma it was more than that. Once again, she is betraying her husband and falling out of her gender role. Emma loves Rodolphe and every time they see each other, she is ready to show only affection towards him. Even after when Charles had a terrible day of a ttempting to fix clubfoot of Hippolyte Emma still chooses to be with Rodolphe, so much so that â€Å"when Rodolphe came to the garden that evening, he found his mistress waiting for him at the foot of the steps on the lowest stair.They threw their arms round one another, and all their rancor melted like snow beneath the warmth of that kiss. † (131) As the relationship with Rodolphe progresses, Emma begins to have no concern to how she acts in public. Due to the adultery happening in Emma’s life she begins to resent Charles even more than one thought possible. She begins to enjoy being an adulterous woman, that when she reflects upon her life She reveled in all the evil ironies of triumphant adultery.The memory of her lover came back to her with dazzling attractions, she threw her whole soul into it, borne away towards this image with fresh enthusiasm; and Charles seemed to her as much removed from her life, as absent forever, as impossible and annihilated, as if he had been about to die and were passing under her eyes. (130) All of her happiness comes from one man, and she is only content when she is shying away from Charles, and not being a proper woman. Finances were also left up to the men, since they were the breadwinners of for their family.Emma Bovary defies the norm, when Lheureux talks her into taking power of attorney. He tells Emma that â€Å"’[Charles] would do better to give it over to some one else- to you, for example. With a power of attorney it could be easily managed, and then (you and I) would have our little business transactions together. ’† (179) She fooled Charles into letting her have that power by â€Å"[quoting] technical terms casually, [pronouncing] the grand words of ‘order’, ‘the future’, ‘foresight’ and constantly [exaggerating] the difficulties of settling his father’s affairs†. 180) Emma takes Lheureux up on his offer, in order to be able to go behind her husbands back more efficiently, and to also prove that no gender role will be set upon her. Due to Emma defying every restriction put against her as a woman, she is punished on every account. Madame Bovary is left with no hope by the end of the novel, which causes her to poison herself with arsenic. Emma, and Leon are doomed from the start. Leon is a rather shy man, and she is a rather taken woman. Even while they are together Emma becomes discontent in the relationship.Though â€Å"[s]he was in love with Leon, and she sought solitude because it allowed her to revel in thoughts of him at leisure. His actual presence disturbed the voluptuous pleasure of her reveries. Her heart palpitated at the sound of his footsteps, but her agitation always began to subside as soon as he appeared, and she was left with nothing but deep astonishment which eventually turned to sadness. † (76) Rather than truly being in love with Leon she merely is in love with the idea of Leon.Ma dame Bovary’s relationship with Leon falls to pieces, as she becomes dissatisfied with him, and jealous over him when he was forced to spend time with Homais rather than her. The relationship was a wreck to begin with, and Emma’s punishment is basically an unhappy ending with the one she dared love. The same goes for her relationship with Rodolphe, it was disastrous. From the very start, Rodolphe was only attracted to Emma physically. When he first came saw Emma his immediate reaction was â€Å"Poor woman! She’s gasping for love like a carp gasping for water on a kitchen table.A few sweet words and she’d adore me, I’m sure of it! She’d be affectionate, charming [†¦] Yes, but how could I get rid of her later? † (92) Rodolphe was never in the relationship for the long haul, even though he could clearly see that Emma was. When it was time for Emma and Rodolphe to run away together â€Å"he wished to have two more weeks before to ar range some affairs; then at the end of a week he wanted two more; then he said he was ill; next her went on a journey. † (139) He would just make excuses, because he knew that he really did not love Emma.The relationship takes a turn on Madame Bovary and it ends up changing her. Instead of being the free, and independent woman she tried to portray â€Å"[Rodolphe] made her into something compliant and corrupt. She remained under the influence of a kind of idiotic infatuation, full of admiration for him and sensuality for herself, a blissful torpor; and her soul, sinking into that intoxication, shriveled and drowned like the Duke of Clarence in his butt of malmsey. † (134) Emma puts all of her happiness in this unaccepted relationship that ultimately leads Rodolphe to break things off with her, leaving Emma broken.Lheureux also punishes Emma, in the way that the draper fools her into becoming in so much debt that she would never be able to pay it all back. The draper tak es advantage of gender roles, by assuming that women are ignorant fools when it comes to finances. Throughout the whole novel, Lheureux offers Emma many gifts that she accepts. She is unaware that a hefty bill will come for her, that she must pay back. When the bill finally does come Emma pities herself, and she still goes to borrow even more money from the notary. No amount of pleading with Lheureux could get her off the hook.As Emma comes to bargain with the draper the conversation went as â€Å"But if I bought you several thousand francs- a quarter of the sum- a third- perhaps the whole? † â€Å"No; it’s no use! † And he pushed her gently towards the staircase. â€Å"I implore you, Monsieur Lheureux, just a few days more! † She was sobbing. â€Å"There! tears now! † â€Å"You are driving me to despair! † â€Å"What do I care? † said he, shutting the door. (208) When she finally loses control of all of her money, she resorts to pros titution, and even begs Leon, and Rodolphe for the money she owes. When she cannot get the money, her life is put into despair.Suicide is her last resort, in which she poisons herself. Each time Madame Bovary decided to become more independent and to make her own decisions, it always came back to haunt her. Both of the adulterous relationships come to ruins, and she completely obliterates all of the household money. Flaubert’s sent out a warning to readers, that if you behave as Emma did, trying to step outside of your gender role, then you will be punished rather than rewarded. By showing a punishment, it led women to stay conformed, and to not go out and advance women’s rights.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Genealogy of Morals

The philosophical works The Genealogy of Morals, by Friedrich Nietzsche provides the reader with an opinion on what human morality means. The following paper will explore Neitzche’s l as implementation of analysis for his philosophy.   In Neitzche’s The Genealogy of Morals the concept of humanity and the way in which God produced or created humanity and gave them certain attributes of good or evil will also be represented in this paper.   In fact, the basis of Neitzche’s writing is about good and evil and the way in which humanity, history, religion, and philosophy have created, or manipulated these concepts to fit their own devices. Nietzsche restricts the presence of God in his equation by saying that the concepts of good and evil have changed with the progression of history and that these two paradigms of human behavior and secular code will continue to evolve toward the demands of a changing society. Nietzsche, therefore, makes the argument that morals are constructs of the times in which we will and have evolved much as human beings have over the ages, but that this is not necessarily a good thing because it is meant as a manner of preventing others from having control over us. This is because people inherently wish to exercise power over others and morals are a way of leveling things off so that the strongest members of society do not dominate, as Nietzsche emphasizes, The pathos of nobility and distance, as mentioned, the lasting and domineering feeling, something total and complete, of a higher ruling nature in relation to a lower nature, to an â€Å"beneath†Ã¢â‚¬â€that is the origin of the opposition between â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad.† (The right of the master to give names extends so far that we could permit ourselves to grasp the origin of language itself as an expression of the power of the rulers: they say â€Å"that is such and such,† seal every object and event with a sound and, in so doing, take possession of it.) In the Genealogy of Morals, Friedrich Nietzsche presents his idea about the morality of human beings and why it is flawed: Nietzsche begins by discounting many of society’s assumptions on how they function in life, as he believes that we tend to view things as having inherent meanings But all purposes, all uses, are only signs that a will to power has become master over something with less power and has stamped on it its own meaning of some function, and the entire history of a â€Å"thing,† an organ, a practice can by this process be seen as a continuing chain of signs of constantly new interpretations and adjustments, whose causes need not be connected to each other—they rather follow and take over from each other under merely contingent circumstances. Nietzsche uses punishment as an example in this case, as human beings tend to believe that punishment is an action that happens to a person as a result of that person doing something that he or she deserves to be punished, although counter to this Nietzsche also states that suffering is meaningless and therefore, punishment may also with Nietzche’s own philosophy be meaningless. He would argue that punishment is completely separate from this, however, as punishment is very often used as a way of showing off one’s power or in some cases, as an act of cruelty. This suggests that the punishment does not always fit the crime, as the clichà © is written, so those two things should not necessarily be associated with each other. It cannot be understood how these two things are the same thing, so it is necessary to keep them separate. Nietzsche then continues this argument to show how morality has arrived at the point that it is at right now. He believes that morals have become such an important thing in a person’s life because they have very sacred reasons for having these morals, which include religion, culture, and reason. These, morals, however, are flawed because what constitutes a good, bad, or evil act can change over the course of history in a social morality as situations change because there is no absolute truth to them. What this means is that an action could be considered either good or bad depending on the situation, so it is impossible for morals to be considered absolute as well. Nietzsche, rather than defining good and bad, looks at what helps to define what shape an action will take over the course of our lives. Nietzsche argues that all of existence, especially in human beings, is a struggle between different wills for the feeling of power. This means that society wishes to have some sort of control over their own lives and also over the lives of others. This is why competition and the nature of this in man is so prevalent in society, Rather, that occurs for the first time with the collapse of aristocratic value judgments, when this entire contrast between â€Å"egoistic† and â€Å"unegoistic† pressed itself ever more strongly into human awareness—it is, to use my own words, the instinct of the herd which, through this contrast, finally gets its word (and its words). And even so, it took a long time until this instinct in the masses became ruler, with the result that moral evaluation got downright hung up and bogged down on this opposition (as is the case, for example, in modern Europe: today the prejudice that takes â€Å"moralistic,† â€Å"unegoistic,† â€Å"dà ©sintà ©ressà ©Ã¢â‚¬  [disinterested] as equally valuable ideas already governs, with the force of a â€Å"fixed idea† and a disease of the brain). It is all a competition to achieve this power, even if there is no physical reward for winning these competitions. Nietzsche shows the constant changing of the ideologies of good and bad by stating that in past generations, the concept of good was defined by the strongest people in society. In barbaric times, anything that the stronger members of society did was defined as good, while the weaker members of society were seen as bad. This is not something that we would agree upon today, but members of these past societies would not agree with the way we do things either. Therefore, Nietzsche believes that to give anything an absolute interpretation does not work because as the times change, so will this interpretation. It is wills which define this, so as wills change, so will the apparent truth. If it is truly desirable to have free will, therefore, a person must not believe in any absolutes, but rather view the world as a constantly changing place and let our wills define the things that are occurring around and in society. This includes looking at things from as many different perspectives as possible in order to decide contingently upon personal perspectives which viewpoint a person wishes to make. This can also be applied to morality as, since nothing is absolute, morals are constantly changing as well. Morality is not something that was passed down from God to human beings, but is rather something that has evolved and changed since the beginning of time and will continue to do so. The only thing that has not change in human beings is that they inherently have the desire to achieve more power over their fellow human beings, because of the existence of free wills. This means that the present morality that human beings possess has been born due to hatred for those things that are stronger in the presence of society. Nietzsche argues that a person will have fear of things that could possibly have power over them, so a person must have developed this moral code in order to protect themselves from the stronger members of society. Nietzsche believes that a person must embrace these animalistic instincts because a person is currently hurting themselves by repressing them. Nietzsche says that morals are a result of trying to deter others from having power.   The notion of human morality is something that philosophers have debates over for centuries and will continue to do so as society progresses as well as thoughts of absolutes and God evolve. Work Cited Neitzche, F.   Genealogy of Morals.   Dover Thrift Edition.   New York.   2003.                  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Father and Son Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Father and Son Relationships - Essay Example Psychologists argue that a good coach introduces specific skills at certain period, for example they say an athlete boy’s skill windows reside between the age of nine to twelve (9-12) because it is during this time that the boy’s body is developing the required enzymes and hormones. It is argued that if speed is not trained at this appropriate skills window then the child will never be in position to run as fast as they could as they grow to adulthood (Thompson 34). Basing on this argument, it is clear that for boys to learn their male roles, get role models and grow up to adulthood without social troubles, then they require closer mentorship from their father, coaches and teachers. According to Dr. David Popenoe, who is a sociologist, the involvement of father to bring up a boy child bring positive benefit to the child that no other person is as likely to convey. In this respect we cannot underestimate the father role in child outcomes, including cognitive ability, soc ial behaviour, psychological well-being and achievement in education. Young boys who have a caring father have better educational outcome, psychologists argue that such boys have higher IQs with good linguistic and cognitive capacities (Popenoe 56). Boys brought up by involved fathers at most begin going to school with better level of academic readiness and are said to be more patient with abilities to handle stress and frustration connected to schooling more readily as compared to those children with less involved fathers or coaches ( Pruett 41). According to (Goldstine 19), this father’s influence in academic achievement is carried by the boys into adolescence and young adulthood, hence making them take up male roles and avoid some troubles like drug abuse and unnecessary sexual activities. The young boys whose fathers is involving are better placed to be emotionally secure, always confident to explore their surroundings and in that process they grow older having good socia l links with peers. The probability of such boys getting into trouble at home, school or in the neighbourhood is minimal. (Lamb 42) Such boys are more sociable and popular among others. The coaches, teachers and at most father’s day to day interaction with young boys learn how to regulate their feelings and behaviour, they can study how to deal with their aggressive impulses and physical contact devoid of losing control of their emotion (Parke 109). Independence is an important virtue to any man. However, most men lack it and that is why they are always in trouble with their peers, teachers, employees among others. It is important to argue that since fathers often push for achievement, a child brought up with full involvement of a father coaches or teacher will grow up more comfortable as he explore the world around him and more likely to exhibit self- control and pro-social conduct hence independence. Most adult men in the world today are dying of depression; this has a dire ct link to father-child relationship. Psychological research has shown that young boys who grow up with close attachment to the father or coach are less likely to experience depression, exhibit disruptive behaviour, lie, instead will exhibit pro-social behaviour therefore they will avoid drugs, violence and other

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Children oncentration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children oncentration - Essay Example Children do not have skills to maintain focus, psychologists call this part the executive function according to them it involves the pre-frontal cortex of the brain. During the underdeveloped stage of skills, it becomes hard for children to take control of their impulse, hold information in her working memory and maintain focus. The problem with the child is not that he cannot pay attention but it’s that he cannot pay attention to what you want them to. Many children pay attention to everything happening around them and cannot selectively focus on one thing this especially happens to those with ADHD, however, paying attention can be taught.Children with this problem experience poor fine motor coordination this is where one finds that the handwriting is poor, difficult to read small this makes the child write slowly, avoid writing because homework because it is difficult to write therefore, they prefer printing. Poor memory is also associated with ADHD where a child finds it ha rd to memorize material such as multiplication tables, spelling different words, math’s formulas or hate in history. This makes the child has a forgetful memory where they forget homework assignment forgets to take books home or even to turn in completed assignment to the teacher.To teach children how to focus, one needs to see this a skill to be mastered through learning and practicing, any work presented to a child should be done that in small chunks, which are to be done in smaller stretches of time then allowing them to have breaks.

What makes a great leader in the public sector Essay

What makes a great leader in the public sector - Essay Example This paper focuses on the aspects as well as the attributes that distinguishes a great leader from other sorts of leaders. Leadership can be either formal or informal but both involve getting things done. However, the two leaderships apply different strategies to ensure the set goals are met. Formal leadership relies on ones position in an organization and involves using the mandate apportioned to get things done. Informal leadership on the other hand involves an individual volunteering to offer services or under requisition from those who approve of their leading potential (Shafritz and Russell 371). In this leadership, the leaders apply their charisma to win over people after which they are able to influence them to do things. Whether formal or informal, the task of a leader is to form, preserve, and improve a grouping of people such that they are in a position to realize their goals. Excellent leaders are those who can equally employ both formal and informal leadership. Such leaders are capable of mobilising people as well as exercising prescribed authority if in management positions (Shafritz and Ru ssell 372). A good example of a great leader who will forever remain in the minds of many is President Franklin Roosevelt. Even after contracting polio, Roosevelt retained his great capabilities such that he was able to lead America through the Great Depression of 1930 as well triumph in the Second World War. This is because he had the competence of both a leader and was good in management. He was intelligent, focused, and concerned more on the results other than the exact mean of attaining them. It was out of his desire to give the best even in his health condition that he committed himself to establishing policies that enabled the victory of capitalism (Shafritz and Russell 371). There are a number of different sources of power. Expert power is one where the leader is recognized as being competent in a certain speciality. Legitimate power is based on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

DNA Mutations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DNA Mutations - Essay Example The function of the protein made by this polypeptide will be changed or lost as well (Blamire ,2000). To put in simpler language, mutation alters the function of the enzyme that catalyses a particular genetic function resulting in the change of inherited characters through different generations. It results in the alteration of DNA sequence and consequently results in changes in the genetic and physical appearance of an organism. Thus the phenotype of the organism carrying the DNA which went through mutation will be changed. The agents which cause DNA mutation are termed as mutagens. These can be either physical agents or chemical ones (Matulef 2004). There are specific chemical mutagens created and calibrated to create specific genetic changes. They can either mimic the original nucleotide bases in a DNA molecule or remove parts of the nucleotide resulting in improper base pairing during DNA replication. They can also cause genetic changes by adding hydrocarbons to various nucleotides. High energy radiations can also alter the DNA molecule and cause mutation (Matulef 2004). The ultraviolet radiation from the sun is another cause for the same. Ultra violet rays in the presence of sunlight gamma rays and such ionizing radiation etc can increase the frequency of mutation above the natural level. Much differently to these kinds of mutagen induced ones, mutations can also occur spontaneously. Mutation may arise on account of different reasons. In a chromatid, DNA helix runs continuously from one end to another in a highly super coiled form. Therefore loss or gain (deletion or insertion/duplication) of a segment of DNA results in alteration in chromosomes (Montelone, 1998) Since genes are located in chromosomes such an alteration may result in abnormalities or aberrations. Chromosomal aberrations are commonly seen in cancer cells. Moreover Mutation may also arise due to change in a single base pair of DNA.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Impact of Freezing on Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Impact of Freezing on Food - Essay Example While food preserved in many home freezers are held at -10C, commercial freezers are under -18C (0 degrees Fahrenheit). Long-term freezing for commercial purpose requires a constant temperature of -18 C or less. At this low temperature, the growth of micro-organisms is more or less stopped. Deteriorative microbial reactions will still occur, but over a much longer time. In addition, deteriorative enzymatic reactions will still take place during frozen storage (Omafra Staff n. pag. 2005). Though freezing is an effective method of food preservation, freezing can adversely affects the texture of many foods. It should be noted that the texture of nearly all foods is damaged by thawing and re-freezing. It is also important to understand the technology behind freezing. Since water expands when it freezes, cell walls in food especially fruits and vegetables having high water content are often ruptured, resulting in food that is limp or pulpy when thawed. The high starch content in some of the vegetables reduces such damage. Besides less damage is also done if the food is frozen immediately. Hence unfrozen food should be placed in the coldest areas in the refrigrator (Wikipedia n.pag. 2007). Freezing has been a key technology in bringing convenience foods to homes and restaurants. It causes minimal changes in the quality of food in terms of size, shape, texture, color, flavor and microbial load. This is assuming that the freezing process is carried out properly. A key factor during food freezing is how fast we freeze. When food is frozen slowly, the ice crystals formed will be large these large ice crystals are undesirable as they will damage the cell structure especially the non-vegetarian foods like meat and fish. Hence ice formation will result in poor texture and excessive dripping upon thawing. Frozen food must be maintained at the proper temperature at all times. For instance if we take the case of ice creams, it is very sensitive to fluctuations in temperature. In cases of temperature fluctuation, it can cause a defect called sandy texture and the ice cream will in fact taste grainy, as if it contained come kind of granules. These granules are nothing but lactose crystals which naturally occur in milk that is generally dissolved. Temperature fluctuation, however, will cause lactose to crystallize out, imparting sandiness (Institute of Food Technologists n.pag 2005). There are also studies that have done comparative studies on muscle from fresh (unfrozen) and freshly frozen chickens. The results showed that freezing caused small, but detectable changes in eating quality and also that these changes in muscle proteins during freezing depended on freezing rate. Slow freezing resulted in a larger loss of drip on thawing, a larger loss of nitrogenous constituents and nucleic acid derivatives to the drip, and a larger loss of water-holding capacity of meat, than fast freezing. Besides, slow freezing, as compared to fast freezing, increased proteolysis and caused a greater decrease in the adenosine-triphosphatase (ATP) activity of myofibrillar proteins. In addition difference in taste was also noted. The results of this study suggest that rapid freezing preserves the integrity of muscle proteins to a greater extent than slow freezing and there by the quality of fo

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Coaching Philosophy of Dr. Jack Ramsay Assignment

The Coaching Philosophy of Dr. Jack Ramsay - Assignment Example He was able to produce good results in his first major role as a coach, as he led the 76ers to three playoff appearances in four years, before moving on to do the same for the another NBA team, Buffalo Braves. (Dave, 2013). During these coaching stints, he fine tuned his coaching skills and the related philosophy, and it was optimally exhibited during his coaching of Portland Trail Blazers. When Ramsay landed on his job in Portland, Blazers had a very poor record, as they missed making to the playoffs and also could not came up with any positive winning streak in their short six year history. However, Ramsay with his optimal coaching methods plus philosophy, and by strongly imbibing those methods among a group of young and fresh individuals, made the Blazers a potent team in the 1977 season and led them to their maiden as well as their only NBA title till date. â€Å"Ramsay conducted a stunning symphony of basketball that even now testifies to the way the game should be played.† (Dave, 2013). Although, Ramsay was blessed with strong knowledge about the game of basketball, what made him successful was, he combined that skill with his good player or man-management skills. Cultivate a work ethic One of the basic approaches he followed as part of his coaching philosophy was cultivating a strong work ethic among the players, particularly regarding fitness. Being a supremely fit person himself, who participated in grueling triathlon races, Ramsay was considered one of the early coaches to stress the importance of physical fitness. He viewed general exercises like running, swimming and weight training, as a means to elevating the physical fitness of the basketball players, and thereby making them more agile, speedier and at the same time endowed with good stamina. In the book, Dr. Jack's Leadership Lessons Learned From a Lifetime in Basketball, Ramsay had this to say about fitness regime including weight training, â€Å"They not only focus on gaining strength, but also have techniques for improving agility, speed, quickness, and stamina. There is an accepted theory that strength plus quickness equals power, and power translates into improved performance in every sport.† (Ramsay, 2004, pg.105). Thus, he was of the opinion that peak fitness will result in peak performance from the players. Due to this opinion, he pushed the players to follow a strict fitness regime as part of a strong work ethic. â€Å"He put his team through conditioning drills and took them seriously.† (Dave, 2013). This cultivation of fitness centric work ethic reflected in the game plans formulated by Ramsay, and also positively in the performance of the players. Optimal fitness and the resultant agility as well as the speed of the players facilitated Ramsay to use fast break as the first option. â€Å"He didn't want his bigs to hold rebounds or slow the game. Grab it, turn, fire the outlet, and get down the court. If the guards couldn't get a layup the c enter could fill the lane on the secondary break.† (Dave, 2013). Thus, it is clear how his strong work ethic in relation to fitness provided good benefits to his teams. Good communication Another key approach he adopted as part of his coaching philosophy is building or having good communication with the players. He developed his communication skills throughout his career by maximally interacting with his players, understanding them and even by learning from his mistakes in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Perspectives on Free

Perspectives on Free-Speech Zones on College Campuses Essay Naturally, many negative connotations come along with the term â€Å"free-speech zone. † The wording alone automatically insinuates that free speech should not be allowed everywhere, which is hardly the true intention of the idea. Sometimes the right of free speech is taken advantage of; such as in certain rallies and protests, where disruptive noise, violence, and destruction often occurs. Universities hold a responsibility to their students of providing a reasonably safe and undisruptive environment to learn and excel in. Universities are not creating â€Å"free-speech zones† to limit free speech, but rather to maintain a secure atmosphere that is conducive to concentration and higher learning. Universities should be able to maintain a certain level of safety on campus in whatever way they choose. â€Å"The University reserves the right to relocate or cancel the activity due to disruption from excessive noise levels, traffic entanglement, or if the safety of individuals is in question† (West Virginia University’s Student Handbook 91). They are not undermining the right of free speech that we as Americans legally hold, but are creating an appropriate means for demonstrators to voice their opinions without causing unnecessary disruption and chaos in inappropriate places on campus. An issue I do have with this idea of a â€Å"free-speech zone† is that there isn’t a clear definition of when or where these zones should be used. Who is to say whether or not the voicing of a certain opinion or idea requires the use of a â€Å"free-speech zone†? If what constitutes the use of a â€Å"free-speech zone† was better defined then the use of such â€Å"zones† could be more affective and appropriate. As stated by Robert J. Scott, protest zones have been used at many political conventions and other major events. â€Å"Protest zones can be reasonable restrictions that allow free-speech rights to be expressed while decreasing safety concerns and preventing undue disruption† (Scott 92). With the history of violence and destruction that is associated with protests, it is only natural that certain precautions be taken to prevent such problems. It is too vague to say the free expression of views or opinions may not â€Å"disrupt the normal function of the university,† as stated in the West Virginia University’s student handbook. Who decides what the â€Å"normal function† truly is, or when it is being â€Å"disrupted? † If a university decides to establish the use of â€Å"free-speech zones† then they should be able to provide a clear and concise description of when, and for what purpose, these â€Å"zones† should be used. One of a universities top priorities is to make their campus as safe and secure as possible, and if â€Å"free-speech zones† or â€Å"protest zones† are what they feel are necessary to maintain that security then they should be able to enforce them. The problem really comes down to whether or not these â€Å"zones† are used appropriately. If used extensively, and at levels that are unnecessary for the safety of students, then human rights issues could easily come into play. But if used in a smart way, such as for larger demonstrations of freedom of speech, like protests and rallies, then they could be helpful in preventing destruction and/or distraction on university campuses. â€Å"Requiring those expressing dissent to obey the law while doing so does not constitute repression† (Scott 92).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan CHAPTER 1 Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to your country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before (Larkins and Dan, 1998). Foreign direct investment can affect the countrys economy in different ways. It can affect the GDP rate, exchange rates and government policies in different ways; the effects of foreign direct investment at GDP are very significant. In many countries it constitutes at higher percentages of GDP rates. When foreign investment comes to the country it means that the business activity flourishes in the economy. There will be more production taken place and more goods and services produced by whether incorporated or unincorporated companies, or individual firm or it can be group related to enterprises but in any case there will be more provision of goods as heavy investments are taking places in form of foreign direct investment. GDP is actually refers to the production of more goods in compare to the last year results so a countrys GDP will surely increases by foreign direct investment. Total output of the economy will be increased which increases the GDP level (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and Da vid, 1991). 1.2 Problem Statement To identify the relationship between interbank exchange rate, real GDP and Dummy variable with foreign direct investment inflow in Pakistan. 1.3 Research Hypothesis: H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. 1.4 Outline of the study Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. There will be more job opportunities as in developing countries like Pakistan unemployment is a basic problem too which will be solved by the inflow of foreign direct investment. There will be not be only the employment of people but all factors will be employed if foreign investment will come. Many countries like China, Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia are depending on this foreign direct investment and are moving towards the development quickly. Factor employments will create income generation and through the multiplier effects the round of spending will make the economy proper and developed. There are many nations who are poor and they cannot carry out some of the plans needed in their country like extracting of some natural resources which is very expensive and needs heavy machinery. Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. 1.5 Definitions Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment also comprises of multinationals which open there operating branches in your countries and perform their business operations like production of goods and services so in USA inflow from multinationals also helps in creating trading activities like surpluses can be exports to outside countries to earn good amounts of foreign exchange which will appreciate your currency. Foreign direct investment resulted in 30% of the jobs in the manufacturing sectors. Inward FDI also led to the capital flow in USA which means higher productivity and living standards (Jaffee, Dwight, and Thomas, 1996). India is the second largest destination of FDI after China. It is been stated by the surveys of UNCTAD that India has been facing massive growth through Transaction Corporation. The areas which has been strengthen through the inflow of foreign direct investments are, telecommunication, information technology and other major areas like chemicals, apparels, auto components, jewelry and pharmaceuticals. There are high investments from Mauritius mainly due to the routing international funds through the country giving significant capital gain tax advantages; as tax will be treated between India and Mauritius so double taxation will be avoided. On the other hand Mauritius is capital gain tax heaven so there will be zero tax in FDI channel (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and David, 1991). FDI inflows into India reached a record $19.5 billion in fiscal year 2006-07 (April–March), according to the governments Secretariat for Industrial Assistance. This was double of US $7.8bn in the previous year. In 2008 FDI was more than $35bn. Government of India has created many incentives for the investors. The areas which need more relaxations were civil aviation, construction development, industrial parks, petroleum and natural gas, commodity exchanges, credit-information services and mining. Due to the foreign direct investment the economy of India is getting prosperous, economic growth is coming into effect. The potential to be an economic superpower is going to depend on how the government can create incentives for FDI flow across a large number of sectors in India. FDI is also hitting the country of Morocco with its affects. It is ranked among 4rth in foreign direct investment ranking, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Other 72 projec ts were also been approved in 2008 as statistics have shown. FDI increases the job opportunities to 40,023 which were direct and stable. Morocco is making many steps in making it clear destination for foreign direct investment which is really good for its economy and its people overall. Though there was a decline in foreign investment of 29% in 2008 due to the economic downturn but after then it will raised up to the level where it gets god image. The major investors of Morocco are European Union with France (1.86bln), Spain (783mln). Arab countries also invest in Morocco. In terms of sectors, tourism has the biggest share of investment with $1.55bln, which is 33% of the total FDI, followed by the real estate sector and the industrial sector, with respectively $930mln and $374mln (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). The best thing which is hit by foreign direct investment is the opportunity for the citizen of host country that is of employment and skills development. Through investment by companies of abroad business activity taken place in the country, more goods will be demanded so there will be more need of factors of production so that the demand will be meeting up. For this purpose more people will be employed by those companies and in return people enjoy good wages and higher living standards. Secondly to make the product internationally acceptable and of great quality many training programs are also been conducted which enhance the skills of the employees and their efficiency level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant. Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training. FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative adv antages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase. If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does not generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Froot and Stein, 1991). Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industrializes encourage foreign direct investment (Campa and Goldberg, 1995). It affects the economic growth by stimulating domestic investment, increasing human capital formation and by facilitating the technology transfer in the host countries. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has emerged as the most important source of external. Apart from exchange rates and GDP level inflow of foreign direct investment also effects your democratic government; like how they reshape their policies and incentives. Like if you investors are investing in your country they also will need some of the free hands incentives which will more attract them to invest. For this purpose the government of host country will be reshaping their policies somehow like low corporate and income tax rates, tax holidays will be given to them, special economic zones will be created, export processing zone will be come into existence, financial subsidies, infrastructure subsidies, RD supports and many other things to relax them so that they will invest more (Rodriguez, 1998). Besides all these foreign direct investment will be having great impact on GDP level. Local output will increase as more production of gods will be taken place. More production means that your country is having more number of commodities ever than before so real output is increasing means GDP level. Increase in GDP will surely have good effects on your economy. Economic growth will come into effect. More employment will be there and factor payments will lead to the multiplier effects which means more and more income generation and economy will reaches to its equilibrium level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training (Huang and Walkling, 1997). FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative advantages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase (Itagaki, 2000). If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit. Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does nohat generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Craine, 1999). Economic growth may mean that we are using are scarce resources swiftly so that they can depleted. Oil, coal, metals other natural resources are in limited supply and can be run out if we use them so quickly. If they do run out then there can be no more capital goods, food supplies may diminish and the population of world may suffer but this can be control through conservation process. Conservation means that you saved up some amount of scarce resources for our future generation rather than consuming it all at once for present people so by it we can save for the upcoming people of the country (Klein and Rosengren, 1994). Foreign direct investment if comes in the country so that will be definitely mean that more and more factories will be opening in the host country or if it comes for the existing factories like extracting of some natural resources etc so that means expansion of those factories. More and more factories and business sites means that there is though more land is available to produce more goods and services but less for other activities like recreational activities or parks etc. these can also destroy the plants and animals. The solution to this problem is that government should restrict the areas where these factories can be located and only allow there to operate. Those areas should be keeping away from residential locations so that normal citizens should not get affected. Factories should be more on barren land and regions so that fertile lands and animals would not get affected too. Growth also comes with many benefits so government cannot stop it. The best thing in this situation go vernment tries to do is to achieve sustainable growth. Sustainable growth means that along with the foreign investment, which is coming into the country government should try to minimize the harmful effects and should maximize the benefits so that resources and further things can be secured for the upcoming generations too (Hartman, 1992). There are also some of the negative aspects of foreign direct investment. There are some issues which are related like operation, distribution of the profits made on the investment and the personnel.economic backward section is always get effected of the host country when foreign direct investment is negatively affected. It is the responsibility of the host country to limit the effect of the foreign direct investment. They should make sure that countries which are making foreign direct investments should abide all the laws relating to environmental, governance and social regulations that are laid down country. However there can be some negative effects of economic growth too, means higher and higher GDP can affect your economy and people in it in a different manner too. There can be an opportunity cost of growth; economic growth may achieved by producing more capital goods but at the expense of less consumer goods like television, fashionable clothes etc but this can be in short run as in long run people will be enjoying more and more consumer goods and higher living standards due to the sustainable growth which has been achieved (Baldwin and Krugman, 1999). CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD This chapter explains the methodology used for this research study. This study focused on finding the factors affecting inflows of foreign direct investment in Pakistan. A method is a tool that can help solve problem and research new knowledge. This chapter also gives the methods to evaluate validity and reliability of the research for the factors associated with direct investment in Pakistan. 3.1. Data used: This research was carried out through Secondary Data. 3.2. Method of data collection: Data of Foreign Direct Investment and Real GDP is collected through State Bank of Pakistan, website and from Economic Survey of Pakistan and Data for Interbank exchange rate was collected through different websites like and 3.3. Sample size: Sample data of last 39 years is to be taken. Data has been taken from the year 3.4. Statistical tool used: In order to measure the relationship between the To Identify the relationship between Interbank Exchange Rate, Real GDP, and Dummy variable with Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Regression is used as a statistical tool in this research. SPSS software is used to evaluate the relationship between the variables. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 4.1. H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.1.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable set will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.1.2 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -4011.980 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.1.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co-linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.1.4 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -0.31 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.2. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.2.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.2.2 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is 4243.439 means that there is a positive relationship exists among the real GDP and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.2.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.2.4 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is -.438 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the real GDP and FDI therefore hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.3. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.3.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.3.2 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -17128.3 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/democratic government and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.3.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.3.4 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -.107 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/exchange rate and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION,CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND FUTURE RESEARCH 5.1 Conclusion: There were number of positive and negative effects of this foreign direct investment. The positive effects of foreign direct investment are; the investment means that foreign currency is coming into Pakistan. Whenever any company may be multinational invested in this country in terms of direct investment it means that they invested their currency into the country. It increased the foreign exchange reserves which are good for host country as they can be used in payments of debts or any kind of imports etc. Secondly more goods and services have produced and which can be exported to outside countries; so more foreign exchange can be earns through it. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industria lizes encourage foreign direct investment. Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before. New technologies in shape of new capital equipments and software which can make factories totally automated will lower all the average costs and make it more efficient that it ever can be. Besides all of these sometimes local firms can also be squeeze out of the market due to the inferior equipment and much smaller resources than the large giants with foreign investments. This is the work of government that how they reshape their policies to bring in foreign direct investment into your favor and not letting down the overall economic conditions. Profits which may earn here can also be sent back to the base country rather than kept for the re investment in the host nations. Some multinationals also impose their cultures in the people of the host country. To avoid all this state should interfere with all the consumer protection laws, unfair competition, laws for employee protection, environment protection and also of location of industry. 5.2 Discussion and implication: Apart from these things when foreign investment comes into the country so then means that new opportunities could be created for many other firms too like they supply components and other things to the companies who are operating over here and has invested which will generate more employment and income for the citizens. Local firms can also be motivated to bring their quality up to the international standards as if they are supplying components to the multinationals. This thing will improve their productivity and it is good for the country so foreign direct investment is very beneficial. Foreign direct investment will bring in investments and hot inflow of money and capital along with the tax revenues for the government even after some exemptions. Companies or individuals who operate in your country after investment will pay some taxes to the government too. Government can re invest those revenues in other sectors for the welfare of the general public like in health or education sectors etc. 5.3 Future research: For future research, there are many advantages of high GDP rate like people can have more goods and services to consume; it will raise their living standards, secondly excess goods can be exported to outside countries so that foreign exchange can be earn through it. Higher GDP will give good image to the country in terms of many things; more and more foreign investors will come with their investments. People will be earning more so they can afford more other goods to purchase and secondly more incomes means more taxation for the government which it can spend on many other projects like schooling, health, defense, crime control etc. growth should result in improved standards of living in the country and higher profitability for the business. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan CHAPTER 1 Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to your country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before (Larkins and Dan, 1998). Foreign direct investment can affect the countrys economy in different ways. It can affect the GDP rate, exchange rates and government policies in different ways; the effects of foreign direct investment at GDP are very significant. In many countries it constitutes at higher percentages of GDP rates. When foreign investment comes to the country it means that the business activity flourishes in the economy. There will be more production taken place and more goods and services produced by whether incorporated or unincorporated companies, or individual firm or it can be group related to enterprises but in any case there will be more provision of goods as heavy investments are taking places in form of foreign direct investment. GDP is actually refers to the production of more goods in compare to the last year results so a countrys GDP will surely increases by foreign direct investment. Total output of the economy will be increased which increases the GDP level (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and Da vid, 1991). 1.2 Problem Statement To identify the relationship between interbank exchange rate, real GDP and Dummy variable with foreign direct investment inflow in Pakistan. 1.3 Research Hypothesis: H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. 1.4 Outline of the study Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. There will be more job opportunities as in developing countries like Pakistan unemployment is a basic problem too which will be solved by the inflow of foreign direct investment. There will be not be only the employment of people but all factors will be employed if foreign investment will come. Many countries like China, Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia are depending on this foreign direct investment and are moving towards the development quickly. Factor employments will create income generation and through the multiplier effects the round of spending will make the economy proper and developed. There are many nations who are poor and they cannot carry out some of the plans needed in their country like extracting of some natural resources which is very expensive and needs heavy machinery. Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. 1.5 Definitions Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment also comprises of multinationals which open there operating branches in your countries and perform their business operations like production of goods and services so in USA inflow from multinationals also helps in creating trading activities like surpluses can be exports to outside countries to earn good amounts of foreign exchange which will appreciate your currency. Foreign direct investment resulted in 30% of the jobs in the manufacturing sectors. Inward FDI also led to the capital flow in USA which means higher productivity and living standards (Jaffee, Dwight, and Thomas, 1996). India is the second largest destination of FDI after China. It is been stated by the surveys of UNCTAD that India has been facing massive growth through Transaction Corporation. The areas which has been strengthen through the inflow of foreign direct investments are, telecommunication, information technology and other major areas like chemicals, apparels, auto components, jewelry and pharmaceuticals. There are high investments from Mauritius mainly due to the routing international funds through the country giving significant capital gain tax advantages; as tax will be treated between India and Mauritius so double taxation will be avoided. On the other hand Mauritius is capital gain tax heaven so there will be zero tax in FDI channel (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and David, 1991). FDI inflows into India reached a record $19.5 billion in fiscal year 2006-07 (April–March), according to the governments Secretariat for Industrial Assistance. This was double of US $7.8bn in the previous year. In 2008 FDI was more than $35bn. Government of India has created many incentives for the investors. The areas which need more relaxations were civil aviation, construction development, industrial parks, petroleum and natural gas, commodity exchanges, credit-information services and mining. Due to the foreign direct investment the economy of India is getting prosperous, economic growth is coming into effect. The potential to be an economic superpower is going to depend on how the government can create incentives for FDI flow across a large number of sectors in India. FDI is also hitting the country of Morocco with its affects. It is ranked among 4rth in foreign direct investment ranking, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Other 72 projec ts were also been approved in 2008 as statistics have shown. FDI increases the job opportunities to 40,023 which were direct and stable. Morocco is making many steps in making it clear destination for foreign direct investment which is really good for its economy and its people overall. Though there was a decline in foreign investment of 29% in 2008 due to the economic downturn but after then it will raised up to the level where it gets god image. The major investors of Morocco are European Union with France (1.86bln), Spain (783mln). Arab countries also invest in Morocco. In terms of sectors, tourism has the biggest share of investment with $1.55bln, which is 33% of the total FDI, followed by the real estate sector and the industrial sector, with respectively $930mln and $374mln (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). The best thing which is hit by foreign direct investment is the opportunity for the citizen of host country that is of employment and skills development. Through investment by companies of abroad business activity taken place in the country, more goods will be demanded so there will be more need of factors of production so that the demand will be meeting up. For this purpose more people will be employed by those companies and in return people enjoy good wages and higher living standards. Secondly to make the product internationally acceptable and of great quality many training programs are also been conducted which enhance the skills of the employees and their efficiency level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant. Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training. FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative adv antages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase. If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does not generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Froot and Stein, 1991). Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industrializes encourage foreign direct investment (Campa and Goldberg, 1995). It affects the economic growth by stimulating domestic investment, increasing human capital formation and by facilitating the technology transfer in the host countries. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has emerged as the most important source of external. Apart from exchange rates and GDP level inflow of foreign direct investment also effects your democratic government; like how they reshape their policies and incentives. Like if you investors are investing in your country they also will need some of the free hands incentives which will more attract them to invest. For this purpose the government of host country will be reshaping their policies somehow like low corporate and income tax rates, tax holidays will be given to them, special economic zones will be created, export processing zone will be come into existence, financial subsidies, infrastructure subsidies, RD supports and many other things to relax them so that they will invest more (Rodriguez, 1998). Besides all these foreign direct investment will be having great impact on GDP level. Local output will increase as more production of gods will be taken place. More production means that your country is having more number of commodities ever than before so real output is increasing means GDP level. Increase in GDP will surely have good effects on your economy. Economic growth will come into effect. More employment will be there and factor payments will lead to the multiplier effects which means more and more income generation and economy will reaches to its equilibrium level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training (Huang and Walkling, 1997). FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative advantages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase (Itagaki, 2000). If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit. Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does nohat generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Craine, 1999). Economic growth may mean that we are using are scarce resources swiftly so that they can depleted. Oil, coal, metals other natural resources are in limited supply and can be run out if we use them so quickly. If they do run out then there can be no more capital goods, food supplies may diminish and the population of world may suffer but this can be control through conservation process. Conservation means that you saved up some amount of scarce resources for our future generation rather than consuming it all at once for present people so by it we can save for the upcoming people of the country (Klein and Rosengren, 1994). Foreign direct investment if comes in the country so that will be definitely mean that more and more factories will be opening in the host country or if it comes for the existing factories like extracting of some natural resources etc so that means expansion of those factories. More and more factories and business sites means that there is though more land is available to produce more goods and services but less for other activities like recreational activities or parks etc. these can also destroy the plants and animals. The solution to this problem is that government should restrict the areas where these factories can be located and only allow there to operate. Those areas should be keeping away from residential locations so that normal citizens should not get affected. Factories should be more on barren land and regions so that fertile lands and animals would not get affected too. Growth also comes with many benefits so government cannot stop it. The best thing in this situation go vernment tries to do is to achieve sustainable growth. Sustainable growth means that along with the foreign investment, which is coming into the country government should try to minimize the harmful effects and should maximize the benefits so that resources and further things can be secured for the upcoming generations too (Hartman, 1992). There are also some of the negative aspects of foreign direct investment. There are some issues which are related like operation, distribution of the profits made on the investment and the personnel.economic backward section is always get effected of the host country when foreign direct investment is negatively affected. It is the responsibility of the host country to limit the effect of the foreign direct investment. They should make sure that countries which are making foreign direct investments should abide all the laws relating to environmental, governance and social regulations that are laid down country. However there can be some negative effects of economic growth too, means higher and higher GDP can affect your economy and people in it in a different manner too. There can be an opportunity cost of growth; economic growth may achieved by producing more capital goods but at the expense of less consumer goods like television, fashionable clothes etc but this can be in short run as in long run people will be enjoying more and more consumer goods and higher living standards due to the sustainable growth which has been achieved (Baldwin and Krugman, 1999). CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD This chapter explains the methodology used for this research study. This study focused on finding the factors affecting inflows of foreign direct investment in Pakistan. A method is a tool that can help solve problem and research new knowledge. This chapter also gives the methods to evaluate validity and reliability of the research for the factors associated with direct investment in Pakistan. 3.1. Data used: This research was carried out through Secondary Data. 3.2. Method of data collection: Data of Foreign Direct Investment and Real GDP is collected through State Bank of Pakistan, website and from Economic Survey of Pakistan and Data for Interbank exchange rate was collected through different websites like and 3.3. Sample size: Sample data of last 39 years is to be taken. Data has been taken from the year 3.4. Statistical tool used: In order to measure the relationship between the To Identify the relationship between Interbank Exchange Rate, Real GDP, and Dummy variable with Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Regression is used as a statistical tool in this research. SPSS software is used to evaluate the relationship between the variables. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 4.1. H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.1.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable set will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.1.2 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -4011.980 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.1.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co-linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.1.4 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -0.31 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.2. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.2.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.2.2 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is 4243.439 means that there is a positive relationship exists among the real GDP and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.2.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.2.4 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is -.438 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the real GDP and FDI therefore hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.3. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.3.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.3.2 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -17128.3 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/democratic government and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.3.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.3.4 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -.107 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/exchange rate and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION,CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND FUTURE RESEARCH 5.1 Conclusion: There were number of positive and negative effects of this foreign direct investment. The positive effects of foreign direct investment are; the investment means that foreign currency is coming into Pakistan. Whenever any company may be multinational invested in this country in terms of direct investment it means that they invested their currency into the country. It increased the foreign exchange reserves which are good for host country as they can be used in payments of debts or any kind of imports etc. Secondly more goods and services have produced and which can be exported to outside countries; so more foreign exchange can be earns through it. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industria lizes encourage foreign direct investment. Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before. New technologies in shape of new capital equipments and software which can make factories totally automated will lower all the average costs and make it more efficient that it ever can be. Besides all of these sometimes local firms can also be squeeze out of the market due to the inferior equipment and much smaller resources than the large giants with foreign investments. This is the work of government that how they reshape their policies to bring in foreign direct investment into your favor and not letting down the overall economic conditions. Profits which may earn here can also be sent back to the base country rather than kept for the re investment in the host nations. Some multinationals also impose their cultures in the people of the host country. To avoid all this state should interfere with all the consumer protection laws, unfair competition, laws for employee protection, environment protection and also of location of industry. 5.2 Discussion and implication: Apart from these things when foreign investment comes into the country so then means that new opportunities could be created for many other firms too like they supply components and other things to the companies who are operating over here and has invested which will generate more employment and income for the citizens. Local firms can also be motivated to bring their quality up to the international standards as if they are supplying components to the multinationals. This thing will improve their productivity and it is good for the country so foreign direct investment is very beneficial. Foreign direct investment will bring in investments and hot inflow of money and capital along with the tax revenues for the government even after some exemptions. Companies or individuals who operate in your country after investment will pay some taxes to the government too. Government can re invest those revenues in other sectors for the welfare of the general public like in health or education sectors etc. 5.3 Future research: For future research, there are many advantages of high GDP rate like people can have more goods and services to consume; it will raise their living standards, secondly excess goods can be exported to outside countries so that foreign exchange can be earn through it. Higher GDP will give good image to the country in terms of many things; more and more foreign investors will come with their investments. People will be earning more so they can afford more other goods to purchase and secondly more incomes means more taxation for the government which it can spend on many other projects like schooling, health, defense, crime control etc. growth should result in improved standards of living in the country and higher profitability for the business.